Date: 2016-04-29.
This article explains the steps I use to convert a git repo of a Perl module into a new distro.
Just a few days ago Kent Fredric sent 2 github pulls for Tree::Simple which significantly improved the complex but still awkward workflow I've been using for years.
My original workflow code is a Perl module, Local::Modules, and the new code is currently a bash script.
Note for beginners: Modules under the namespace Local::* are personal, and not destined for CPAN.
Here, I will step thru this bash script, adding some commentary to each step.
See "Downloads" for links to files to download.
Clearly, if you use this script, or something similar, you'll need to make adjustments in cases such as which licence to check for, etc. The spelling of licence is discussed below.
In this section, tokens in all caps are bash variables, e.g.: MODULE. So $MODULE is the value of that variable.
We are going to need the module's name in various versions:
The module's name, pure and simple.
The module's workdir within my MODULE_DIR=/home/ron/perl.modules.
The path to the module's main file.
From those we can construct any other required tokens. E.g.: TAR_NAME=$DIR_NAME-$VERSION so we have $TAR_NAME.tar.gz as output by 'make dist', and $TAR_NAME.tgz as I want it.
So, the script will be called with 2 parameters:
Inside the script these are known as $1 and $2, and if defined they are stored in MODULE and VERSION, respectively.
Of course the code could be changed to accept Tree-Simple, and to convert that into Tree::Simple. But I feel it's clearer if we pass the module's name to the script, rather than the dir name, since other users could be using a different convention as to how they name their module's dir.
# Check parameters. if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo Parameters: Module::Name Version exit fi if [ "$2" == "" ]; then echo Parameters: Module::Name Version exit fi MODULE=$1 VERSION=$2 MODULE_DIR=/home/ron/perl.modules HOMEPAGE_DIR=/home/ron/ DIR_NAME=`echo $MODULE | sed 's!::!-!g'` DIR_PATH=`echo $DIR_NAME | sed 's!-!/!g'` DIR_PATH=lib/$ TAR_NAME=$DIR_NAME-$VERSION echo MODULE=$MODULE echo VERSION=$VERSION echo MODULE_DIR=$MODULE_DIR echo HOMEPAGE_DIR=$HOMEPAGE_DIR echo DIR_NAME=$DIR_NAME echo DIR_PATH=$DIR_PATH echo TAR_NAME=$TAR_NAME
Note: You might be wondering why I used $DIR_NAME in DIR_PATH=`echo $DIR_NAME | sed 's!-!/!g'`, instead of DIR_PATH=`echo $MODULE | sed 's!::!/!g'`. It's because the /g option does not work in that case :-(.
Let's say we're working on Tree::Simple, which I adopted from Stevan Little and Rob Kinyon. It's dir contents are:
-rw-r--r-- 1 ron ron 10978 Apr 29 10:18 Changelog.ini -rw-r--r-- 1 ron ron 10154 Apr 28 17:54 Changes drwxr-xr-x 3 ron ron 4096 Nov 12 2007 lib/ -rw-r--r-- 1 ron ron 20211 Apr 25 09:31 LICENSE -rw-r--r-- 1 ron ron 1265 Apr 26 14:54 Makefile.PL -rw-r--r-- 1 ron ron 608 Apr 26 16:04 MANIFEST.SKIP -rw-r--r-- 1 ron ron 1313 Apr 25 09:53 README drwxr-xr-x 2 ron ron 4096 Nov 29 10:28 t/ drwxr-xr-x 3 ron ron 4096 Sep 26 2013 xt/
And that's it. No Build.PL any more, since Module::Build been retired from core, and hence only ships via download from CPAN. I actually preferred it to ExtUtils::MakeMaker, but no matter.
No META.json nor META.yml. The former is just gone, and the latter will be generated when we build the distro.
And no MYMETA.json nor MYMETA.yml either.
And no MANIFEST. It too will be generated.
The Changelog.ini is output by, which ships with my Module::Metadata::Changes. Yes, it too could be deleted but my policy is to keep it, at least for now.
# Move into the module's workdir. cd $MODULE_DIR/$DIR_NAME X=`pwd` if [ "$X" != "$MODULE_DIR/$DIR_NAME" ]; then echo cd into module dir failed. Current dir is $X exit fi if [ -e MANIFEST ]; then echo Remove Build.PL MANIFEST *META.*. Move t/pod* to xt/author/ exit fi git clean -dfX
This section does nothing more that move into the module's dir and use git to clean that dir up.
# Check .gitignore. grep ^/$DIR_NAME- .gitignore > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put /$DIR_NAME- into .gitignore exit fi # Here, the trailing $ excludes MANIFEST.SKIP. grep ^/MANIFEST$ .gitignore > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put /MANIFEST into .gitignore exit fi
.gitgnore contains regexps (and some oddities like '!Build/'). So we first look for ^/Tree-Simple- since we want it to be present. $? == 1 means grep failed to find it.
Secondly we look for ^/MANIFEST$, but not MANIFEST.SKIP. Likewise, we want it to be present.
Lastly, output is discarded by being redirected to /dev/null, since we only care about the success or failure of the test, not the text used in the test.
# Check MANIFEST.SKIP. grep .gitignore MANIFEST.SKIP > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put .gitignore into MANIFEST.SKIP exit fi # Here, I omit the * to skip it being expanded by bash. grep ^^$DIR_NAME-. MANIFEST.SKIP > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put ^$DIR_NAME-.* into MANIFEST.SKIP exit fi
These are the same sorts of tests as for .gitignore, but note the comment about *.
Sigh. Here in Australia we spell it licence, but Perl ain't that flexible!
Anyway, that's why I spell it licence in my Changes files (and below).
# Check LICENSE. head -1 LICENSE | grep 'Terms of Perl' > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put Perl into LICENSE exit fi
This just ensures the LICENSE file contains a specific, dual, licence.
# Check Makefile.PL. grep TEST_REQUIRES Makefile.PL > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put TEST_REQUIRES into Makefile.PL exit fi if [ "${MODULE:0:5}" != "Local" ]; then grep -A 4 repository Makefile.PL | grep $DIR_NAME > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put repository into Makefile.PL exit fi fi grep LICENSE Makefile.PL | grep perl > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put LICENSE perl into Makefile.PL exit fi grep META_MERGE Makefile.PL > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put META_MERGE into Makefile.PL exit fi grep -A 2 meta-spec Makefile.PL | grep 2 > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put meta-spec V 2 into Makefile.PL exit fi
We want modules which are only used for testing to be listed like this:
TEST_REQUIRES => { 'Test::Exception' => '0.15', 'Test::More' => 1.001014, },
Rather than including them in this:
PREREQ_PM => { 'constant' => 0, 'Scalar::Util' => '1.18', 'strict' => 0, 'warnings' => 0, },
Here, we check for modules in the Local::* namespace, and skip the next check if they are. The check itself ensures Makefile.PL contains some sort of repository declaration.
The 'grep -A 4' bit outputs 4 lines, and we expect them to be part of these 6 lines:
repository => { type => 'git', url => '', web => '', },
So, somewhere in those 4 lines there ought to be a repo for the 'current' module.
Next, ensure the actually contains a licence directive.
Next, check a META_MERGE is present, in case someone's using a version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker older than 6.46.
Finally, ensure we force the meta-spec version to be 2.
# Check the source for Repository. if [ "${MODULE:0:5}" != "Local" ]; then grep -i '^=head1 Repository' $DIR_PATH > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Put repository into $DIR_PATH exit fi fi
For non-Local::* modules, ensure the POD contains a link to the repo.
Actually, this just checks the main source file, not that every *.pm contains a link to the repo. But then, my policy is that only the main file must contain such a link, although having it in every module's POD would be nice.
And this could be extended to check if the licence is mentioned in the docs.
# Check source for Hash::FieldHash. ack Hash::FieldHash lib > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo Replace Hash::FieldHash with Moo exit fi
Over the years I've used a range of class-support modules, and for a while enjoyed using Hash::FieldHash.
But now that I've moved to Moo, each time I release a new version of a module, I make the effort to replace the former with the latter. I have used Moose of course, but the lighter weight Moo suits me fine.
I know I could leave Hash::FieldHash in situ, but my policy is the less variety of competing modules I use, the better. So, for the same reason, I'm replacing Perl6::Slurp and File::Slurp with File::Slurper. And yes, there are other reasons to change, such as weaknesses in File::Slurp being dealt with by File::Slurper.
# Check t/pod.t if [ -e t/pod.t ]; then echo Move t/pod.t to xt/author/ exit fi
Modern thinking is that POD tests are only the author's concern, and in particular failing POD tests should not stop a module installing. So, push t/pod.t sideways.
But why not automate the move, I hear you all scream? Because it involves patching MANIFEST too? No. MANIFEST is generated, remember? I just did not get round to that yet.
# Check Changes. This depends on the format I use for Changes. # Here are lines 1 .. 3 (ignore the '# ' prefix of course): # Revision history for Perl extension Tree::Simple. # # 1.28 2016-04-27T17:35:00 VER=`head -3 Changes | tail -1 | gawk -- '{print $1}'` if [ "$VERSION" != "$VER" ]; then echo Version number mismatch exit fi # Here, test for my obsolete Changes format, where [A-Z] starts a day name: # Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Scraper::Typo3. # # 1.01 Thu Aug 26 17:45:00 2010 grep "^$VERSION\s\{1,2\}[A-Z]" Changes > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo Fix date format in Changes with exit fi
CPAN::Changes::Spec is your overarching guideline for the format of the Changes file, and here I assume I've formatted Changes so that the most recent version is near the top of the file, with just 2 lines above it.
So, Changes is only up-to-date if it contains info on the version I'm trying to build.
The second test, as the comment says, just reminds me to reformat dates in my old format. A home-grown program, does that. The download link for is in "Downloads".
# Check Mojo log. if [ -e log ]; then cp /dev/null log/development.log fi
This just stops me building a module which uses Mojo and includes junk in the dev log.
# Convert Changes into Changelog.ini. # ships with Module::Metadata::Changes. -c git commit -m"Update Changelog.ini from Changes" Changelog.ini > /dev/null
I don't assume anyone is actually using Module::Metadata::Changes, but if they are, then ensure Changelog.ini is up-to-date. Let me know if you are!
The advantage of using it is that that version of Changes is in the easy-to-read *.ini format.
My module uses Config::IniFiles, another fine module.
# Check the repo. git status | grep Untracked > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo Remove excess files exit fi git status | grep 'Changes not staged' > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo Run git commit on patched files exit fi
Here, a could of tests to ensure the repo is up-to-date before trying to use it's files to build anything.
You'll notice that most of the tests using $? so far checked for 1, meaning failure (target not found), but these 2 are different. If the target is found, we have a problem.
# Update the version #. -d . -v $VERSION git commit -am"Update version # to $VERSION" > /dev/null
No point in building a module with out-of-date version #s (not that any of us would do that, of course). is another home-grown script, written on the assumption that my version declarations look like "our $VERSION = '1.28';", all on 1 line.
# Build the distro. perl Makefile.PL make manifest make test if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo Test failure exit fi make dist if [ ! -e "$TAR_NAME.tar.gz" ]; then echo Dist not built exit fi make install
This part at least is pretty simple. And yes, I always install the new version. You may not want to do that.
# Tag the repo. T=`printf '%(%a %b %e %T %Y)T'` git tag -d $VERSION git tag -afm "V $VERSION @ $T" $VERSION
Since we're soon going to push the repo to github and the disto to PAUSE, we want to add a version-specific tag to each release..
# Move the dist to the homepage dir and clean up. mv $TAR_NAME.tar.gz $HOMEPAGE_DIR/$TAR_NAME.tgz git clean -dfX
The build process leaves the distro in the workdir, so we copy it to the dir holding the repo of my web site, /home/ron/ Eventually I'll run my build website program (which takes 110 seconds), and from that same dir I'll upload the updated module index page, the distro itself, and the docs (which have been converted into HTML). Likewise, the site's homepage will have been rebuilt and uploaded, announcing the new version. I must confess the text referring to this new version is currently inserting into the homepage's XML manually before being converted into HTML.
The script just contains 'git tag -n 1 -l [012]*'. I expect anyone forking a distro will use that too.
# Update the 'modules' database. perl $MODULE_DIR/Local-Modules/scripts/ -m $MODULE -v $VERSION
You do have a modules database, right?
That's what the web site's build script uses to generate
# Copy the docs to the homepage dir, where they get picked up # by the website builder and converted into HTML. cp -r lib/* $HOMEPAGE_DIR/pod/
And this is why I said above 'Eventually I'll run my build website program...'. By the time it runs, the 'modules' database needs to be up-to-date, and the most recent *.pm files need to be under the dir here called $HOMEPAGE_DIR, i.e. /home/ron/, since both the source code containing the docs will be uploaded, and the HTML versions of those docs will be too.
# Warn if there are multiple distros in the homepage dir. This is not an error. X=`dir $HOMEPAGE_DIR/$DIR_NAME-*.tgz | wc -l` if [ "$X" != "1" ]; then echo There are multiple distros in the homepage dir fi
Ideally, there would of course be only one 'latest' version and corresponding distro, but just in case I've ended up with more, I want to know about it.
# Check pre-reqs in Makefile.PL against code. echo Wait ... running $MODULE
Pragmatics: is another home-grown script. It takes a few seconds to run, so warn the user about the otherwise unexpected delay.
Althought the dist is built by now, there's no point running this earlier, since it cannot definitively list the required modules. Thus even detecting suspicious cases could not be used to stop the build. So, we may as build, since that might simultaneously tell us something.
As for, I'm just about to do another search on CPAN for a better solution. This program runs another which uses Perl::PrereqScanner, so different ideas are welcome.
The reason I don't use Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite is it's output for Module::Metadata::Changes is:
{ "Config::IniFiles" => 0, "DateTime::Format::W3CDTF" => 0, "File::Slurper" => 0, "HTML::Entities::Interpolate" => 0, "HTML::Template" => 0, Moo => 0, "Try::Tiny" => 0, "Types::Standard" => 0, strict => 0, version => 0, warnings => 0 }
Which isn't much use, whereas my output, using Perl::PrereqScanner, is:
Module::Metadata::Changes ------------------------- Required: Config::IniFiles => 2.88 DateTime::Format::W3CDTF => 0.06 ExtUtils::MakeMaker => 7.14 File::Slurper => 0.008 File::chdir => 0.1010 Getopt::Long => 2.42 HTML::Entities::Interpolate => 1.09 HTML::Template => 2.95 Moo => 2.001001 Pod::Usage => 1.67 Test::More => 1.001014 Test::Stream => 1.302026 Try::Tiny => 0.24 Types::Standard => 1.000005 feature => 1.3601 lib => 0.63 strict => 1.08 version => 0.9912 warnings => 1.23 Required but not in Makefile.PL: ExtUtils::MakeMaker In Makefile.PL but not required: DateTime DateTime::Format::HTTP DateTime::Format::Strptime Test::Pod Warning: Beware cases like Genealogy::Gedcom requiring Genealogy::Gedcom::Date --------------------------------------------------
# What state did we finish in? git status dir $HOMEPAGE_DIR/$TAR_NAME.tgz echo Finished building $MODULE V $VERSION # Prompt to push to github. if [ "${MODULE:0:5}" != "Local" ]; then echo Run git push now fi
This is literally a status report, and for non-Local::* modules, issue a reminder to keep the github copy of the repo up-to-date.
I hope this will encourage all you module authors to clarify the steps in your own build processes, as you slave away on your many soon-to-be-famous modules.
I expect to convert this to Perl someday, but the edit-test cycle is a bit shorter than patching a pre-existing module and installing it, and then testing it. And I was curious to know if my limited bash skills would suffice.
And, of course, changing a pre-existing module step-by-step is painful if the unchanged steps keep interferring in the flow of logic.
I just made up something I was comfortable with.
Nothing fancy: Note that the 'name' column in the authors table does sometimes contain a list of names.
holds 'No' (id = 1) and 'Yes' (id = 2) for whether or not the repo is on github. ms_specific_statuses
just holds 'No' (id = 1) these days. public_statuses
also holds 'No' and 'Yes'. All Local::* modules are 'No' of course, but sometimes other modules can be too, to stop them appearing on the public modules index page.
Module::Build (deprecated)
Ron Savage <>.
Australian copyright © 2016, Ron Savage.
All Programs of mine are 'OSI Certified Open Source Software'; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of The Artistic License 2.0, a copy of which is available at: