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Song Lyrics
Last updated: Thu, 15 Aug 2024
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A thousand cities in the night
Each one waiting for the light
Ten million people plan their day
As the sun still burns away

As the earth just spins in space
People plan their daily race
As the sun still burns away
Few say 'Thank you for the day'

All the people in their lives
Forget to look up at the skies
They exist another day
As the sun still burns away

I just wonder how long we last
When the final die is cast
Every day brings forth the time
When the sun forgets to shine

When the sun, don't forget to shine

A thousand cities in the night
Each one waiting for the light
Ten million people plan their day
As the sun still burns away

Let it shine on me, God
Let it shine, baby
Go back ten years ago
Sunbeams dancing round
Go back ten years ago
Sunbeams dancing down

Autumn's child
Autumn's child

Autumn's child got a loophole round her finger
Halo rings her head
Cornhusk hair makes me linger
A cat's stare meets my dare
A mad stare greets my stare
Gonna be my wife today she said
Gonna be my wife gonna spice my life she said

Go back ten years ago
Sunbeams everywhere
Go back ten years ago
Sunbeams fill the air

Harvest moon be nimble
Apples dunk and tremble
Fish pond streak of time
Found a child I had to find
Apples shine share together
Got the time to make her mine
Fish pond streaks love kind
Found a child I had to find

Autumn's child, I met her at a balloon bus picnic
Ooo! She caught me with the beauty queen
With jade-green eyes
Buttons and bows and fancy ties

The feet of dust under trees of rust
Make them sandals gambol under knees of trust
Gonna be my wife gonna spice my life gonna be my wife today she said
Gonna be my wife gonna spice my life she said

Go back ten years ago
Sunbeams shining down
Go back ten years ago
Sunbeams glancing round

Autumn's child
Autumn's child
Autumn's child
Autumn's child
You could find a way to speak my passion
You listen to the blood flow in my vein
You hear the teaching of the wind
Tell her what I'm like within
I can't find the words
My mind is dim

It's better by you better than me

Guess you'll have to tell her how I tried
To speak the thoughts I've held so long inside
Tell her now I've got to go
Out in the streets and down the shore
Tell her the world's not much living for

It's better by you better than me
It's better by you better than me
You can tell what I want it to be
You can say what I only can see
It's better by you better than me

Guess I'll have to change my way of living
Only really know the way I feel
Guess I'll learn to fight and kill
Tell her not to wait until
Finds my blood upon her windowsill

It's better by you better than me
It's better by you better than me
You can say what I only can see
You can tell what I want it to be
Better by you better than me
One evening as the sun went down
And the jungle fire was burning
Down the track came a hobo hiking
And he said, "Boys, I'm not turning
I'm headed for a land that's far away
Besides the crystal fountains
So come with me, we'll go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountains

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
There's a land that's fair and bright
Where the handouts grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night
Where the boxcars all are empty
And the sun shines every day
On the birds and the bees
And the cigarette trees
The lemonade springs
Where the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
All the cops have wooden legs
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs
The farmers' trees are full of fruit
And the barns are full of hay
Oh I'm bound to go
Where there ain't no snow
Where the rain don't fall
The wind don't blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
You never change your socks
And the little streams of alcohol
Come trickling down the rocks
The brakemen have to tip their hats
And the railway bulls are blind
There's a lake of stew
And of whiskey too
You can paddle all around them
In a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
The jails are made of tin
And you can walk right out again
As soon as you are in
There ain't no short-handled shovels
No axes, saws or picks
I'm bound to stay
Where you sleep all day
Where they hung the jerk
That invented work
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains


I'll see you all this coming fall
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
Bet you didn't think I knew how to rock 'n' roll
Oh, I got the boogie-woogie right down in my very soul
There ain't no need for me to be a wallflower
'Cause now I'm living on blues power

I knew all the time but now I'm gonna let you know
I'm gonna keep on rocking, moving fast or slow
Ain't gonna stop until the twenty-fifth hour
'Cause now I'm living on blues power

Talking to you, now
The boogie's gonna pull me through
Keep on, keep on, keep on rocking
Keep on, keep on, keep on rocking
Keep on, keep on, keep on rocking
Oh Lord, wish my bed wasn't silken sheets so tight
I've got to keep my strength up, got to do a show tonight
I have a sip of coffee while I'm taking in the news
Don't need to have a shave 'cause I gotta sing the blues

Well I think I'll get a massage, maye lose a little fat
So I have to go downtown in my bran' new Cadillac
My valet comes and dresses me, I light a big cigar
'Cause I like to look like Nimrod when riding in my car

Can blue men sing the whites, or are they hypocrites for singing. Woo, woo, wooh?

Not it's getting near the time, I've got to make the scene
I change out of my dark grey mohair suit, put on my dirty jeans
The band comes round to pick my up, I holler 'Hello boys'
I gotta mess my hair up, gonna make some noise

Can blue men sing the whites, or are they hypocrites for singing. Woo, woo, wooh?
On this street where time has died
The golden treat you never tried
In times of old, in days gone by
If I could catch a dancing eye
It was on the way, on the road to dreams
Now my heart's drowned in your love stream

The street is cold, it's trees are gone
The star is told that dark has won
Once we set sail to catch a star
We had to fail, it was too far
It was on the way, on the road to dreams
Now my heart's drowned in your love stream

I felt the wind shout like a drum
You said: My friend, the end has come
It couldn't last, it had to stop
We've drained it all to the last drop
It was on the way, on the road to dreams
Now my heart's drowned in your love stream
Now my heart's drowned in your love stream

On this dark street the sun is black
The winter life is coming back
On this dark street it's cold inside
There's no retreat from time that's died
It was on the way, on the road to dreams
Now my heart's drowned in your love stream
Now my heart's drowned in your love stream
Now my heart's drowned in your love
He was talking 'bout the army
While he passed his pipe around
An American deserter
Who found peace on Swedish ground

He had joined to seek adventure
And to prove himeself a man
But they tried to crush his spirit
Till his conscience ruined the plan

At the thought of those who suffer
For the sake of honesty
All those who refuse to follow
Traitors to humanity

Here's to all the draft resisters
Who will fight for sanity
When they march 'em off to prison
In this land of liberty

Heed the threat and awesome power
Of the mighty Pentagon
Which is wasting precious millions
On the toys of Washington

Don't forget the draft resisters
In their silent, lonely plea
When they march 'em off to prison
They will go for you and me

Shame, disgrace and dishonour
Wrongly placed upon their heads
Will not rob them of the courage
Which betrays their innocence
Singin through you to me
Thunderbolts caught easily
Shouts the truth peacefully

High voltage man kisses night to bring the light to those who need to hide their shadow-deed
Go into bright find the light and know that friends don't mind just how you grow

Midnight cowboy stained in black reads dark roads without a map
Free-seeking electricity, seeking electricity

Midnight cowboy stained in black reads dark roads without a map
Free-seeking electricity, seeking electricity

Lighthouse beacon straight ahead straight ahead across black seas to bring
Seeking electricity

High voltage man kisses night to bring the light to those who need to hide their shadow-deed hide their shadow-deed
High voltage man kisses night to bring the light to those who need to hide their shadow-deed hide their shadow-deed

Seek electricity
Seek electricity

Electricity aaahhhh
Seek electricity, seek electricity
Electricity aaahhhh
There were 3 men came out of the west
Their fortunes for to try
And these 3 men made a solemn vow
John Barleycorn must die

They've ploughed, they've sown, they've harrowed him in
Threw clods upon his head
And these 3 men made a solemn vow
John Barleycorn was dead

They've let him lie for a very long time
Till the rains from heaven did fall
And little Sir John sprung up his head
And so amazed them all

They've let him stand to mid-summer's day
Till he looked both pale and gold
And little Sir John's grown a long, long beard
And so become a man

They've hired men with the scythe so sharp
To cut him off at the knee
They've rolled him and tied him by the waist
Serving him most barbarously

They've hired men with the sharp pitchfork
Who gripped him to the heart
And the loader has served him worse than that
For he's bound him to the cart

They've wheeled him around and around a field
Till they came unto a barn
And there they made a solemn oath
On poor John Barleycorn

They've hired men with the crafty sticks
To cut him skin from bone
And the miller he has served him worse than that
For he's ground him between 2 stones

And little Sir John and the nut-brown broth
And he's brandy in the glass
And little Sir John and the nut-brown broth
Proved the strongest man at last

The huntsman he can't hunt the fox
Nor to so loudly to blow his horn
And the tinker he can't mend kettle nor pots
Without a little barleycorn
She hides in a library concealed on a shelf
Behind volumes of literature based on herself
And runs across the pages like some tiny elf

Knowing that it's hard to find
Stuff way back in her mind
Winds up spending all of her time
Trying to memorize every line

Sweet Lorraine
Ah, sweet Lorraine

Sweet lady of death wants me to die
So she can come sit by my bedside and sigh
And wipe away the tears from all my friends eyes

Then, softly, she will explain
Just exactly who was to blame
For causing me to go insane
And finally blow out my brains

Sweet Lorraine
Ah, sweet Lorraine

Well, you know it's a shame and a pity
You were raised up in the city
And you never learned nothing about country ways
Oh, about country ways

The joy of life she dresses in black
With celestial secrets engraved in her back
And her face keeps flashing that she's got the knack

But you know when you look into her eyes
All she's learned she's had to memorize
The only way you'll ever get her high
Is to let her do her thing and watch you die

Sweet Lorraine
Ah, sweet Lorraine

Now, she's the one who gives us all those magical things
And reads us stories out of the I Ching
Then she passes out a whole new basket of rings

That, when you put on your hand
Makes you one the angel band
And gives you the power to be a man
But what it does for her you never quite understand

Sweet Lorraine
Ah, sweet Lorraine

Well, you know it's a shame and a pity
You were raised up in the city
And you never learned nothing about country ways

Oh, about country ways
Oh, about country ways
Yeah, about country ways
A thick cloud caught a Piper Cub's tail
The match struck blue on a railroad rail
The old puff horse was just pulling thru
And a man wore a pegleg forever

I'm on the bum where the hobos run
The air breaks with filthy chatter
Oh I don't care, there's no place there
I don't think it matters

My skin's blazing thru
And my clothes in tatters
And the railroad looks
Like a 'Y' up the hill of ladders

One shoe fell on the ground
One stick poked down
Grey of age fell down on a pair of ears
An eagle shined thru my holey watch pocket

A gingham girl baby girl
Passed me by in tears
A jack rabbit raised his folded ears
A beautiful sagebrush jack rabbit

And an oriole sang like an orange, his breast full of worms
And his tail clawed the evening like a hammer
His wings took to air like a bomber
And my rain can caught me a cup of water

When I got in to town
Odd jobs man, ah, your horse I'll fodder
I'm the round house man
I once was your father

A little way up the road a wooden candy stripe barber pole
And above it read a sign: Painless Parker
Licorice twisted around under a fly
And a youngster cocked her eye

God! Before me if I'm not crazy is my daughter
Come little one with your little old dimpled fingers
Gimme one
And I'll buy you a cherry phosphate

Take you down to the foaming briny water
And show you the wooden tits
On the goddess with the pole out full sail
That tempted away your peglegged father

I was shanghaied by a high hat beavered mustached man
And his pirate friend

I woke up in vomit and beer in a banana bin
And a soft lass with brown skin
Bore me seven babies with snapping black eyes
And beautiful ebony skin

And here it is I'm with you my daughter
Thirty years away can make a seaman's eyes
A round house man's eyes
Flow out water, salt water
Our Love Was

Our love was famine, frustration
We only acted out of imitation
Of what we knew it should have been
And then suddenly

Our love was flying
Our love was soaring
Our love was shining
Like a summer morning

Flying, soaring
Shining, morning
Never leaving
Lying, dying

Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long

Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long

Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long

Our love was flying
Our love was soaring
Our love was shining
Like a summer morning

Our love was famine, frustration
We only acted out an imitation
Of what we knew it should have been
And then suddenly ...

Our love was flying
Our love was soaring
Our love was shining
Like a summer morning
On Percy Parslow's Hamster Farm
The sympathetic hamster man
Creates a world of gentle calm
Try and find it if you can

The Lantern cafe where we ate
The telephone, the London bus
The fact we are an hour late
Does not worry him or us

Beneath the lantern as we talk
A dovecote full of fantail doves
Flutters above a captive hawk
Proximity of hate and love

Better take the hamster man's advice
And never stroke the spiny mice
A mynah bird in lofty cage
Speaks not a word in silent rage

Old ladies in chinchilla coats
Come down to see the little farm
And say amongst the dogs and goats
"How can man do small creatures harm?"

"Do you like the flowers?" asks the man
"Then come with me and look at mine"
"See over there the people live"
"In mushrooms by the railway line"

The day is ending, night's unfurled
It's time to go it's getting late
We hate to leave this other world
To shut behind us like a gate

Down on Percy Parslow's Hamster Farm
The sympathetic hamster man
Creates a world of gentle calm
Try and find it if you can
The white ducks fly on past the sun
Their wings flash silver at the moon
While waters rush down the mountain tongue
My organs play a circus tune

I dance to the wonder of your feet
And sing to the joy of your knees
The cold white dress on the mountain breast
Paints the frozen trees

The maple plants patterns in the sky
Its leaves to kiss the wind
While scores of glittering bugs and flies
Dance polkas on her limbs

I whistle symphonies of your face
And laugh for your hair so fine
In startled greens of playground grass
A child jumps a rope to a rhyme

Reeds and brass the marching drums
Make a joyous sound
Trees bend o'er with nuts and plums
And fall to find the ground

I hunger for your porpoise mouth
And stand direct for love
The sun burns up the winter sky
And all the earth is love
When this world is getting you down
And nothing is in its right place
When friends are running you down
And you can't seem to find the right face

All you want is me
All you need is me
To give you
Rest Cure for all your ills
Rest Cure to make the world stand still
Rest Cure and the world will bring you down no more

When living becomes just a task
And your burden's too heavy to bear
And life is travelling so fast
That colours become just a glare

You can lean on me
And take my eyes to see
To give you
Rest Cure for all your ills
Rest Cure to make the world stand still
Rest Cure and the world will bring you down no more

Take my hand
And I'll show you where
Laove can banish
All your worries and despair

When you can't cling on to the past
'Cause you're not proud of everything you've done
And each moment seems like your last
'Cause you're robbed of all you've won

To give you
Rest Cure for all your ills
Rest Cure to make the world stand still
Rest Cure and the world will bring you down no more
It was the greatest little sandcastle
We built it at night
When the sea digests it's icecream cartons
Though the tide
Yes the tide
Was coming in

Gave it a moat
And a light drawbridge
We built it so right
To keep out the newspapers and raiders
Though the tide
Yes the tide
Was coming in

Gave it a rock
For a foundation
Then you ask me: What is it? Colditz Castle?
Well I answered Jerusalem
I answered Jerusalem

They took the best day on my entire life
To the hospital
Put in on the operating table
And the tide
Yes the tide
Was going out

Now I'm alone on the sea-front
It's the end of the summer
And I can tell
I read the good old times
Between the lines on my head

Looking sadly past the deserted funfare
Where it used to be
Chatting up the naked ladies on my tie
Chatting up the naked ladies on my tie

It was the greatest little sandcastle
We built it at night
When the sea digests it's icecream cartons
Though the tide
Yes the tide
Oh the tide
Was coming in

La da da da da dah da da da da ...
So, what can I say but thank you, dear
For sharing the few things you have
Oh, I'd like to say, I'm glad you're here
And hope my leaving is not sad
Soon I'll have to go, get back on the road
Then I'll have no reason left at all

In times it's hard to say the things I feel
To wonder while I've known so long
Oh, you still remain so sure and real
Ev'rything is going wrong
But soon I'll have to go, get back on the road
Then I'll have no reason left at all

Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it for me, please
Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it before I leave
Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it from your heart
Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it before I part

So, what can I say but thank you, dear
For sharing the few things you have
Oh, I'd like to say, I'm glad you're here
And hope my leaving is not sad
Yeah, soon I'll have to go, get back on the road
Then I'll have no reason left at all

Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it for me, please
Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it before I leave
Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it from your heart
Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it before I part ....

Oh, have you somethin' to say
Oh, have you somethin' to say
Oh, have you somethin' to say
I'll catch the tramline in the morning
With your leave Van Bushell said
He had further heard the cock crow
As he stumbled out the shed

Then blind Joseph came towards him
With a shotgun in his arms
He said you'll pay me twenty dollars
Before you leave my farm

Van Bushell saw the hook
Which replaced Joseph's hand
He said now calm you down my brother
Let's discuss this man to man

It's no good you getting angry
We must try to act our age
You're pursuing your convictions
Like some hermit in a cage

You're the son of your father
Try a little bit harder
Do for me as he would do for you
With blood and water, bricks and mortar
He built for you a home
You're the son of your father
So treat me as your own

Well slowly Joseph well he lowered the rifle
And he emptied out the shells
Van Bushell he came towards him
He shook his arm and wished him well

He said now hey blind man that is fine
But I sure can't waste my time
So move aside and let me go my way
I've got a train to ride

Well Joseph turned around
His grin was now a frown
He said let me just refresh your mind
Your manners boy seem hard to find

You're the son of your father
Try a little bit harder
Do for me as he would do for you
With blood and water, bricks and mortar
He built for you a home
You're the son of your father
So treat me as your own
You're the son of your father
So treat me as your own
You're the son of your father
So treat me as your own
Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river
You can hear the boats go by
You can spend the night beside her
And you know that she's half crazy
But that's why you want to be there
And she feeds you tea and oranges
That come all the way from China
And just when you mean to tell her
That you have no love to give her
Then she gets you on her wavelength
And she lets the river answer
That you've always been her lover
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that she will trust you
For you've touched her perfect body with your mind.

And Jesus was a sailor
When he walked upon the water
And he spent a long time watching
From his lonely wooden tower
And when he knew for certain
Only drowning men could see him
He said "All men will be sailors then
Until the sea shall free them"
But he himself was broken
Long before the sky would open
Forsaken, almost human
He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
And you want to travel with him
And you want to travel blind
And you think maybe you'll trust him
For he's touched your perfect body with his mind.

Now Suzanne takes your hand
And she leads you to the river
She is wearing rags and feathers
From Salvation Army counters
And the sun pours down like honey
On our lady of the harbour
And she shows you where to look
Among the garbage and the flowers
There are heroes in the seaweed
There are children in the morning
They are leaning out for love
And they will lean that way forever
While Suzanne holds the mirror
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that you can trust her
For she's touched your perfect body with her mind.
Broken, hungry, ragged and dirty too
So many orphans standing in the queue
Waiting for their ride

Inside this cold I light my match
To some I give and from some I snatch
I'm in a sighing, savage, downer

I've heard it said we're in a D-Day book
The names are in a hat and the hat's been shook
Lucky dip or lose

Hungry beggars who kneel for alms
Tattered sleeves and stretch their hands
I beseech thee dick, I'm down

The wisecrack snapped this, now he's gone
Follow the signpost right or wrong
Heave a brick and run, it's a bust

Cheek for a cheek, kiss for a kiss
When told who was it, I tell him this
Every joke has got to hurt

Have you even fallen weeping at a wall
All you anger spilling on the floor
Dust to dust, it's free for all

Lady one or another
I'm going to stick my hand in your pink glove
Lick you soul and stare

Have you even fallen weeping at a wall
All you anger spilling on the floor
Dust to dust, it's free for all
Change is what she said when she left me
I laughed as she ran cryin' out the door
Time has made me see misery is getting to me
I think it's time to take her back once more

It's the wrong time
It's the wrong place
It's the wrong way for me
To tell her when it's over

It's the wrong time
It's the wrong place
It's the wrong way for me
To see her when it's over

Something's gotten into my way of livin'
Strange it seems each time I said goodbye
I think of all the good she did in givin'
And loneliness has made me realize

It's the wrong time
It's the wrong place
It's the wrong way for me
To see her when it's over

It's the wrong time
It's the wrong place
It's the wrong way for me
To see her when it's over

Please allow me to find my own sweet heaven
Discontent shown clearly in her eye
Way she called my name, I knew the meaning of her game
Now I have no pity for her to cry

The wrong time
The wrong place
The wrong way for me
To see her when it's over

The wrong time
The wrong place
The wrong way for me
To tell her when it's over

The wrong time
The wrong place
The wrong way for me
To see her when it's over
Going on up the road baby
Going to lose myself in the night
Got my ticket in my pocket I said
Going to take myself the midnight bus
I've got so many blues on my mind
I'm a black and blue evil cuss

And I'm going to Scotland baby
Going to find myself some country piece
Going to Scotland baby
In the highlands going to find myself some country piece
Going to find me a tartan woman I said
Going to bury myself in her golden fleece

Going to Liverpool baby
And I'm sorry I can't take you
Going to Liverpool baby
And I'm sorry that I can't take you
There ain't nothing in Liverpool baby
That a sophisticated looking woman can do

Take me a country woman up the road yeah
She's got pools and streams in her heart
Take me a country woman yeah
She got pools and streams in her heart
She's going to love me
Right from the very start

I'm alone in the night baby
And my hair is slowly turning grey
I'm alone in the night baby
And my hair is slowly turning grey
Going to find me a woman with a long black curly brush
Going to sweep all my cares away

I get on the midnight bus
Go rolling on up the road
Everybody's looking a little bit uneasy
Seats aren't very comfortable
Year we're rolling across the country
And the colors of the cows are cool
I'm not going to spend too long on the road this time
Not going to become the road's fool
It's cold out here anyway
It's warmer inside someone if you can get there

I think I'm going to lose these fogs
And roll out of all the cities
Think I'll take the train
And roll across the Pennine chain
Ah, that's a little bit more peaceful yeah
Think I'm going to soothe my mind
None of these cities like Stoke-on-Trent or Stroke-in-Tent or Newcastle underlined

Going on up the road you know I said
Got my suitcase in my hand
Going on up the road I said
I've got my suitcase in my hand
Inside my little suitcase baby
I've got all the cares of this land

When I get home baby baby
You can, I said, you can peel me a grape
When I get home baby
You can peel me a grape
You can bend over me real low
And you can lick me into shape

I said baby baby
I need you cool hand on my brow
I said baby baby
I need your cool hand on my brow
I want you to take my hand and show me
I want you to make me in hand and show me, show me how

You come in here baby baby
With that small grin on your face
You come in here baby
And you've got that small grin on your beautiful face
But you'd better watch it baby, I said you'd better watch it
I'm going to kiss you in a most unusual place

Yeah yeah
Unexpected travalling blues yeah
Where there's truth the green valley stills cottonwood
Where there's peace a little cloud of music gleams brotherhood
Where there's love I'd be a boy if I could
Where there's woman I'd hold her when I should
Where there's woman

Where there's woman honey wine
Where there's woman loving time
Where there's love for a lover of my kind
Where there's evil a hound's tooth bears white
Where there's good is where I'll be tonight
Where there's love there burns eternal light
Where there's woman I'll take her without spite
Where there's woman

Where there's woman honey wine
Where there's woman lovin' time
Where there's love for a lover of my kind
Where there's woman (repeat)
Maybe a little baby girl ooooooh!
Lady, you keep asking why he likes you. How come?
Wonder why he wants more if he's just had some
Boys, she's got more to play with in the way of toys
Lady's eyes go off and on with a finger full of glue
Her lips are drawn upon her face in come-to-me tattoo

Creamy suntan color that fades when she bathes
Paper dresses catch on fire and you lose her in the haze

Don't ever change lady, he likes you that way

Because he just had his hair done and he wants to use your wig
He's going off the drug thing cause his veins are getting big

He wants to sell his paintings but the market is slow
They're only paying him two grams now for a one-man abstract show

Don't ever change people even if you can

You are your own best toy to play with; remote control hands
Made for each other. Made in Japan
Woman with a greasy heart, automatic man
Don't ever change people. Your face will hit the fan
Don't ever change people even if you can

Don't change before the empire falls
You laugh so hard you crack the walls
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Last updated: Thu, 3-Jan-2019