My Melanoma Dairy

Day -58. Oct 24th 08:27am 2023 (58 days before the operation)
How did we get here?
I went to my doctor after years of a slight lump on the top of my head. It had begun to itch. He suspected a melanoma, so referred me to a dematologist. The latter agreed, so asked me to come back in a few days for a biopsy. I returned, the biopsy was performed and sent off to the lab. A few days later I returned to the dematologist for the result, and yes it was definitely a melanoma. He referred me to the Victoria Melanoma Service (VMS) at the Alfred hospital here in Melbourne (Victoria). VMS are very busy (which is sad and scary) but managed to book me in for an operation before Christmas
Day 0. Dec 21st 12:39pm 2023. Operation day! I had arrived at 7am, but having had a mango for breakfast instead of fasting they refused to give me a full anaesthetic. I was though given a choice, come back in a few days to have 7-8 injections in the thigh where a layer of skin was to be removed, and another 7-8 on the top of the head where that skin was being grafted on. I chose to have the operation immediately.
Also, they sent me home with a prescription for a 6-pack of Oxycodone tablets, for use at some later time, which turned out to be when the 2nd set of 8 staples was removed from my scalp on day 14 after the op
One comment was that it's actually quite rare to get a melanoma on the top of the head
Day 0. Dec 21st 12:39pm 2023. 1st incarnation of the turban bandage
Day 1. Dec 22nd 17:50pm 2023. 2nd incarnation of the turban bandage.
Also, I'm told the biopsy of the excised tissue confirms it was melanoma, but it was all removed and the margin (1cm all around the target and also removed) was clear. Good news indeed, and a relief too
Day 2. Dec 23rd 05:06am 2023. 3rd incarnation of the turban bandage. Yes, that's blood
Day 2. Dec 23rd 05:09am 2023. As above, just a different view. Yikes! This photo makes me look like I crawled out of the Middle Ages
Melanoma trumps vanity...
Day 2. Dec 23rd 06:56am 2023. I'm now sleeping with a towel on the pillow to soak up the blood. I had to buy a new pillow despite using the towel
Day 2. Dec 23rd 12:27pm 2023. The thigh after a slice of tissue was removed to make a graft. It's been covered by bandages until now
Day 2. Dec 23rd 12:32pm 2023. The big reveal! There are (shudder) 16 staples in the skin. Even worse, they have to come out soon. Specifically, they put several layers of gauze on the graft and then on top of that, a layer of sponge. All help soak up the blood
Day 2. Dec 23rd 17:55pm 2023. 4th incarnation of the turban bandage
Day 3. Dec 24th 13:04pm 2023. 5th incarnation of the turban bandage
Day 4. Dec 25th 10:33am 2023. 6th incarnation of the turban bandage
Day 5. Dec 26th 08:09am 2023. 7th incarnation of the turban bandage
Day 5. Dec 26th 10:21am 2023. The biggest, ugliest reveal of them all! Good news: The healing on the thigh and head are both proceeding perfectly, i.e. no infections. What you see is all the layers of bandages (gauze, sponge) as described above
Day 6. Dec 27th 11:44am 2023. 8th incarnation of the turban bandage. I wore that elastic mesh at various times, but it was unpleasant and sometimes just came off. Today 8 of the staples are removed without anaesthetic. The pain was staggering but I clamped my teeth together rather than embarrass myself by crying (out). Mercifully the pain was short-lived. IOW they forgot to tell me to take an Oxycodone
tablet while in the waiting room. Next time I'll know better
Day 9. Dec 30th 17:07pm 2023. Healing proceeds apace. There are no bandages present in this view
Day 9. Dec 30th 17:39pm 2023. 9th incarnation of the turban bandage
Day 14. Jan 4th 16:25pm 2024. Time to discuss bandages, because the existing ones are coming off and I will now be replacing them myself. This spray I'm told is wonderful at loosening matted blood, but they did not give me any to take home. I was given a handful of the following 3 bandages, and will buy further supplies at a pharmacy.
Also, this is the day the remaining staples are removed. I had on my last visit been warned to bring an Oxycodone tablet and take it while in the waiting room.
Luckily I did, and the removal was painless (for me at least)
Day 15. Jan 5th 09:35am 2024. Two of these large Primapores bandages are used to hold in place the Bactigras seen in the next picture
Day 15. Jan 5th 09:36am 2024. Bactrigras comes in an alfoil wrapper, and inside there is a 3-layer material which must have a protective layer taken off each side while the inner layer is a gauze impregnated with bactericide. It is used on the graft donor site. It is held in place (on my leg) by 2 of the large Primapore displayed just above
Day 15. Jan 5th 09:36am 2024. This small Primapore bandage was to be used directly on the top of my head - the graft recipient site -, but it just stuck to the hair around the wound, and after a couple of hours I abandoned the idea of using it. I should mention: some people suffer from quite irritating itchyness at the would sites, but my itchyness was pretty mild. I just ignored it
Day 17. Jan 7th 07:59am 2024. Thigh healing perfectly
Day 17. Jan 7th 08:06am 2024. Head healing perfectly
Day 21. Jan 11th 15:58pm 2024. Head healing perfectly
Day 21. Jan 11th 15:15pm 2024. For the last week I have been following these instructions: (a) In the morning strip off all bandages. (b) Wash whole body with very gentle soap such as QV 'Wash' or similar. (c) Reapply bandages, being very careful to strip off both protective layers from the Bactrigras, if you remember to do so (oops). As mentioned, I am not using a bandage on the top of my head. (d) As of today, stop applying any bandages, continue with gentle soap, and spread Sorbelene on both wounds three times a day. So today's visit to the VMS was to both check that there were no infections (yea!) and update the self-care instructions. Lastly note: (Sigh) The Sorbolene does not stop the itchyness, but luckly mine is mild anyway. Even as I write this last para 8 days later (the 19th) the itchyness persists, but I ignore it. Who cares? Melanoma can kill, but not me - or at least not this one...
Day 25. Jan 15th 10:21am 2024. Thigh healing perfectly. I'm told this redness will last a long time, but that simply does not matter now
Day 26. Jan 16th 18:29pm 2024. Head healing perfectly
Day 39. Jan 29th 17:46pm 2024. Head healing proceeds as desired
Day 240. Aug 17th 17:47pm 2024. Thigh still healing well. The hairs are wriggley because they have sorbelene on them
Day 240. Aug 17th 18:08pm 2024. Head still healing well. The hairs and scalp are glinting because they have sorbelene on them
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