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Perl Modules
Last updated: Wed, 26-Aug-2021
Warning about a bug in WinZip 8.1 and 9
WinZip 8.1 and 9 cannot recognize the directory structure in some valid *.tar files.
If you download a file from here and WinZip says there is no directory structure, WinZip is wrong.
The link 'Installation help' just below shows you how to use tar and gunzip for DOS.
This bug has something to do with POSIX style paths.
Instructions for installing any Perl module are here:
# Name Version Github status Abstract
1 App::Office::CMS 0.93
2017-10-30 15:55:58
Yes The Canny, Microlight and Simple CMS
2 App::Office::Contacts 2.05
2015-08-10 12:51:42
No A web-based contacts manager
3 App::Office::Contacts::Donations 1.12
2015-02-18 16:41:33
No A web-based, group and private, donations manager
4 App::Office::Contacts::Import::vCards 2.00
2015-02-18 16:43:58
No Import vCards for use by App::Office::Contacts
5 Benchmark::Featureset::LocaleCountry 1.04
2015-02-18 17:06:25
No Compare Locale::Codes, Locale::Country::Multilingual, WWW::Scraper::Wikipedia::ISO3166, etc
6 Benchmark::Featureset::SetOps 1.06
2017-04-17 18:10:32
Yes Compare various array/set handling modules
7 Benchmark::Featureset::StopwordLists 1.03
2015-08-16 14:45:03
Yes Compare various stopword list modules
8 Business::AU::Ledger 0.89
2015-02-18 17:15:59
No A simple, web-based, payments/receipts manager
9 Business::Cart::Generic 0.86
2015-02-18 17:18:00
No Basic shopping cart
10 CGI::Application::Bouquet::Rose 1.06
2017-12-27 18:06:43
Yes Generate a set of CGI::Application-based classes
11 CGI::Application::Demo::Ajax 1.05
2015-02-19 09:10:45
No A search engine using CGI::Application, AJAX and JSON
12 CGI::Application::Demo::Basic 1.07
2015-02-19 09:13:49
No A CGI::Application demonstration module
13 CGI::Application::Demo::Dispatch 1.06
2015-02-19 09:15:33
No Help study usage of CGI::Application::Dispatch
14 CGI::Application::Util::Diff 1.04
2015-02-19 09:17:28
No Diff 2 directories or files, or run other commands
15 CGI::Echo 1.09
2015-02-19 09:19:03
No Echo form data to test form design
16 CGI::Session 4.50
2021-07-25 18:17:00
Yes Persistent session data in CGI applications
17 CGI::Session::Driver::odbc 1.06
2015-02-19 09:21:54
No A CGI::Session driver for ODBC
18 CGI::Session::Driver::oracle 1.06
2015-02-19 09:27:05
No A CGI::Session driver for Oracle
19 CGI::Session::ExpireSessions 1.14
2015-02-19 09:30:11
Yes Expires CGI::Session db-based and file-based sessions
20 CGI::Session::MembersArea 2.07
2015-02-19 09:31:31
No A resource guardian based on CGI::Session
21 CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml 4.27
2015-02-19 09:33:24
No A serializer for CGI::Session
22 CGI::Snapp 2.01
2016-09-11 11:11:42
Yes An almost back-compat fork of CGI::Application
23 CGI::Snapp::Demo::Four 1.03
2015-02-19 09:40:27
No A template-free demo of CGI::Snapp using Log::Handler::Plugin::DBI
24 CGI::Snapp::Demo::One 1.03
2015-02-19 09:41:50
No A template-free demo of CGI::Snapp using just 1 run mode
25 CGI::Snapp::Demo::Three 1.03
2015-02-19 09:42:55
No A template-free demo of CGI::Snapp using the forward() method
26 CGI::Snapp::Demo::Two 1.03
2015-02-19 09:44:19
No A template-free demo of CGI::Snapp using N run modes
27 CGI::Snapp::Dispatch 2.00
2016-10-03 13:14:24
Yes Dispatch requests to CGI::Snapp-based objects
28 Config::Plugin::Tiny 1.02
2015-02-19 10:03:24
Yes A plugin which uses Config::Tiny
29 Config::Plugin::TinyManifold 1.02
2015-02-19 10:05:00
Yes A plugin which uses Config::Tiny with 1 of N sections
30 Config::Tiny 2.30
2023-10-13 11:02:25
Yes Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
31 Config::Tiny::Ordered 1.03
2015-02-19 10:08:20
Yes Read/Write ordered .ini style files with as little code as possible
32 Crypt::PasswdMD5 1.41
2015-02-19 10:09:30
Yes Provide interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions
33 DBIx::Admin::BackupRestore 1.20
2021-02-06 15:52:007
Yes Back-up all tables in a db to XML, and restore them
34 DBIx::Admin::CreateTable 2.11
2021-02-04 15:13:00
Yes Create and drop tables, primary indexes, and sequences
35 DBIx::Admin::DSNManager 2.02
2015-02-19 13:24:15
Yes Manage a file of DSNs, for both testing and production
36 DBIx::Admin::TableInfo 3.04
2021-02-04 15:45:00
Yes A wrapper for all of table_info(), column_info(), *_key_info()
37 DBIx::HTML::ClientDB 1.09
2021-02-02 15:57:00
Yes Convert sql into a client-side db with keyed access
38 DBIx::HTML::LinkedMenus 1.11
2021-02-04 17:08:00
Yes Convert SQL to 2 linked HTML popup menus
39 DBIx::HTML::PopupRadio 1.17
2021-02-02 15:57:00
Yes Convert db data to HTML popup menu or radio group
40 DBIx::Hash2Table 2.05
2021-02-07 16:00:00
Yes Save a hash into a database table
41 DBIx::Table2Hash 1.18
2021-02-07 16:22:00
Yes Read a database table into a hash
42 DBIx::Tree 1.98
2021-02-02 15:57:00
Yes Generate a tree from a self-referential database table
43 DBIx::Tree::Persist 1.05
2015-02-19 14:51:51
Yes Play with Tree and Tree::Persist a la DBIx::Tree
44 Data::PABX::ParseLex 1.06
2015-02-19 13:14:41
No Parse output of /lex a e/ command for the iSDC PABX
45 Data::Page::Viewport 1.07
2015-02-19 13:16:51
No Scroll thru data a page, or just an item, at a time
46 Data::RenderAsTree 1.03
2015-07-12 17:01:00
Yes Render any data structure as an object of type Tree::DAG_Node
47 Data::Session 1.17
2016-02-14 09:43:18
Yes Persistent session data management
48 Date::MSAccess 1.06
2015-02-19 13:19:34
No Manage dates in MS Access format
49 File::BOM::Utils 1.02
2015-09-06 16:08:41
Yes Check, Add and Remove BOMs
50 Gedcom::Date 0.10
2016-09-04 17:49:53
Yes Perl class for interpreting dates in Gedcom files
51 Genealogy::Gedcom 0.88
2016-09-04 17:52:31
Yes An OS-independent processor for GEDCOM data
52 Genealogy::Gedcom::Date 2.10
2018-05-10 08:58:24
Yes Parse GEDCOM dates
53 Getopt::Simple 1.53
2015-02-19 15:54:05
No A simple-to-use interface to Getopt::Long
54 GraphViz 2.24
2016-12-27 11:11:57
Yes Interface to AT&T's GraphViz. Deprecated. See GraphViz2
55 GraphViz2 2.66
Yes A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz
56 GraphViz2::Marpa 2.11
2017-04-17 15:58:25
Yes A Perl lexer and parser for Graphviz dot files
57 GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils 2.00
2015-02-19 16:02:28
Yes Provide various analyses of Graphviz dot files
58 HTML::Entities::Interpolate 1.10
2016-09-05 08:08:18
Yes Call HTML::Entities::encode_entities, via a hash, within a string
59 HTML::Parser::Simple 2.02
2015-02-18 13:22:32
Yes Parse nice HTML files without needing a compiler
60 HTML::Revelation 1.04
2015-02-19 16:42:53
Yes Reveal HTML document structure in a myriad of colors
61 HTML::Timeline 1.10
2017-04-16 18:12:14
Yes Convert a Gedcom file into a Timeline file
62 HTML::YUI3::Menu 1.02
2015-02-19 16:54:56
No Convert a Tree::DAG_Node object into the HTML and JS for a YUI3 menu
63 Image::Magick::Chart 1.07
2017-01-06 09:54:05
Yes Use Image::Magick to create charts
64 Image::Magick::CommandParser 1.04
2016-09-04 17:43:20
Yes Parse any command line acceptable to convert or mogrify
65 Image::Magick::PolyText 2.00
2017-01-06 12:22:47
Yes Draw text along a polyline
66 Image::Magick::Tiler 2.00
2016-10-17 12:37:49
Yes Slice an image into N x M tiles
67 Javascript::MD5 1.11
2015-02-19 17:01:17
No Calculate the MD5 digest of a CGI form field
68 Javascript::SHA1 1.08
2015-02-19 17:04:46
No Calculate the SHA1 digest of a CGI form field
69 Lingua::EN::GivenNames 1.01
2015-02-20 10:05:28
Yes An SQLite database of derivations of English given names
70 Lingua::EN::Infinitive 1.14
2017-01-11 08:37:07
Yes Determine the infinitive form of a conjugated word
71 Lingua::EN::StopWordList 1.02
2015-08-16 14:54:39
Yes A sorted list of English stop words
72 Locale::ISO::3166 1.00
2016-09-22 14:58:50
Yes Provide access to ISO 3166 codes in an SQLite db
73 Locale::Nationality::en 1.04
2016-09-04 17:53:29
Yes English names of nationalities
74 Log::Handler::Plugin::DBI 1.04
2020-09-03 17:02:10
Yes A plugin for Log::Handler using Log::Hander::Output::DBI
75 MarpaX::Demo::JSONParser 1.08
2019-06-18 16:18:20
Yes A JSON parser with a choice of grammars
76 MarpaX::Demo::SampleScripts 1.04
2015-08-20 13:02:35
Yes A collection of scripts using Marpa::R2
77 MarpaX::Grammar::GraphViz2 2.00
2016-12-26 10:31:07
Yes Convert a Marpa grammar into an image
78 MarpaX::Grammar::Parser 2.01
2018-01-28 11:00:09
Yes Converts a Marpa grammar into a forest using Tree::DAG_Node
79 MarpaX::Languages::Dash 1.00
2016-12-25 16:32:13
Yes A Marpa-based parser for the DASH language
80 MarpaX::Languages::Lua::Parser 1.05
2015-08-03 09:32:29
Yes A Lua source code parser
81 MarpaX::Languages::Perl::PackUnpack 1.00
2015-01-04 12:02:04
Yes Parse the templates used in pack() and unpack()
82 MarpaX::Languages::SVG::Parser 1.09
2017-08-14 09:58:09
Yes An SVG parser
83 Module::Metadata::Changes 2.12
2017-04-17 16:27:30
Yes Manage machine-readable Changes/CHANGES/Changelog.ini files
84 Module::Metadata::CoreList 1.09
2017-07-10 18:19:58
Yes Scripts to cross-check Build.PL/Makefile.PL with Module::CoreList, etc
85 MojoX::Validate::Util 1.01
2017-08-09 09:04:19
Yes A very convenient wrapper around Mojolicious::Validator
86 MojoX::ValidateHeadLinks 1.05
2014-11-28 09:46:33
Yes Ensure CSS and JS links in web pages point to real files
87 Pod::Webserver 3.11
2016-02-14 10:18:55
Yes Minimal web server for local Perl documentation
88 Regexp::Assemble 0.38
2017-06-20 09:13:06
Yes Assemble multiple Regular Expressions into a single RE
89 Regexp::Parsertron 1.05
2018-11-22 09:30:02
Yes Parse a Perl regexp into a Tree
90 Rose::DBx::Bouquet 1.04
2010-02-21 12:56:25
No Generate a set of Rose::DB::Object- and Rose::HTML::Form-based classes
91 SVG::Grid 1.12
2019-02-17 15:00:04
Yes Address SVG images using cells of $n1 x $n2 pixels
92 Search::InvertedIndex::Simple 1.04
2012-03-23 17:45:00
No Build indexes for a set of search keys
93 Search::InvertedIndex::Simple::BerkeleyDB 1.06
2012-03-23 17:45:00
No Build indexes for a set of search keys; Search using BerkeleyDB
94 Set::Array 0.30
2013-09-18 09:38:20
No Arrays as objects with lots of handy methods
95 Set::FA 2.01
2016-09-20 12:46:22
Yes A Set of Discrete Finite Automata
96 Shell::Perl 0.0023
2014-02-04 11:11:03
No A read-eval-print loop in Perl
97 String::Dirify 1.03
2016-05-11 09:39:02
Yes Convert a string into a directory name
98 Text::Balanced::Marpa 1.08
2021-02-07 16:00:00
Yes Extract delimited text sequences from strings
99 Text::CSV_PP::Iterator 1.04
2021-02-07 17:24:00
Yes Provide fetchrow_hashref() for CSV files
100 Text::Delimited::Marpa 1.01
2021-02-07 16:00:00
Yes Extract delimited text sequences from strings
101 Text::Table::Manifold 1.04
2021-05-24 17:48:00
Yes Render tables in manifold styles
102 Tree 1.15
2021-02-02 10:29:00
Yes An N-ary tree
103 Tree::Binary 1.09
2017-07-28 17:29:00
Yes An Object Oriented Binary Tree for Perl
104 Tree::Cladogram 1.04
2021-02-02 10:49:00
Yes Render a cladogram using Imager or Image::Magick
105 Tree::DAG_Node 1.32
2021-02-01 15:56:00
Yes An N-ary tree
106 Tree::DAG_Node::Persist 1.13
2021-02-02 11:16:00
Yes Persist multiple trees in a single db table, preserving child order
107 Tree::Persist 1.14
2017-04-17 18:25:21
Yes A transparent persistence layer for Tree and its children
108 Tree::Simple 1.35
2021-07-07 18:29:00
Yes A simple tree object
109 Tree::Simple::View 0.20
2021-02-02 12:32:00
Yes A set of classes for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies
110 Tree::Simple::VisitorFactory 0.16
2021-02-02 13:00:00
Yes A factory object for dispensing Visitor objects
111 WWW::Scraper::Typo3 1.01
2010-08-26 17:45:00
No Clean up Typo3-based web site files
112 WWW::Scraper::Wikipedia::ISO3166 2.00
2016-08-07 11:24:01
Yes Gently scrape Wikipedia for ISO3166-2 data
113 X500::DN::Marpa 1.00
2015-11-22 14:17:25
Yes Parse X.500 DNs
114 XML::Tiny::Tree 1.00
2015-03-01 15:02:42
Yes Convert XML::Tiny output into a Tree
115 jQuery::File::Upload::Imager 1.02
2015-02-19 17:16:31
No Server-side solution for blueimp jQuery file upload plugin
# Name Version Github status Abstract
You can redistribute all my programs, and/or modify them, under the terms of
	The Perl License, a copy of which is available via: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
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"Copyright: © 2018 Ron Savage"
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Last updated: Fri, 13-Oct-2023